Our annual performance is now held in May at the end of the school year. Please come and support your dancers who has worked so hard all year long!!
DATE: Saturday May 17, 2025… starting at 5:00pm
Rehearsal – Saturday May 17, 2025… starting at 10:00am
(Date and time subjected to change.)
The annual performance will be held at The EGG – Kitty Carlisle Hart Theatre located at the Empire State Plaza in Albany, NY. Please contact the school for directions to the facility.
(Location subjected to change.)
We have included everything you need to know about our dress rehearsal and annual dance performance. All of the information is important and we suggest that you please keep this book as a reference as recital time nears. Please click HERE or below to download our handbook.
Performance HandbookPERFORMANCE FEE:
The performance fee is a package which includes four performance tickets to our annual performance, a program magazine with your dancer’s photograph for each class, a certificate of participation and a digital video of the performance. This is a mandatory $100.00 fee per family due no later than Monday February 10, 2025. Please keep in mind that there will be an additional charge of $10.00 for any late payments. The performance fee is non-refundable nor transferable. Please note that any dancers with an outstanding balance (regardless if the performance fee has been paid on time) will be required to pay the remainder balance in full by the first of May. Failure to do so will dismiss the dancer from receiving the Performance Package.
The performance tickets will be on sale starting April of each Dance Season. The ticket pricing is listed below, and please keep in mind that they are not assigned seating. Please understand that families with an outstanding balance on their account will not be able to purchase their tickets.
April 2025: $19.00 per ticket May 2025: $19.50 per ticket On the day of rehearsal and performance (May 17, 2025): $20.00 per ticketPROGRAM MESSAGE:
It always brightens a dancer’s day to see their name with a message from someone they love! Why not purchase a “good luck” or “congrats” message for your dancer in the program magazine. Please click below to download the order form. The completed form with a full payment must be submitted to our school by Monday April 14, 2025.
Program Message Order Form Program Package Pricing DescriptionADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY FOR OUR LOCAL BUSINESS OWNERS:
For our performance, we will be printing a program magazine (8 ½ x 11) which will be distributed to all of our attendants. If you are interested in having your business name printed in our program as a program advertiser, please click below to download the program advertising contract and the list of prices per size of the advertising. The completed contract with a full payment must be submitted to our school by Monday April 14, 2025.
Program Advertising Contract Program Package Pricing Description Donation Request Letter to Local Business Owners